The Challenge

Sonia came to us wanting to grow her Youtube following and also use it as a platform to increase sales traffic to her site. Being a speaker and storyteller at heart, Youtube seemed to be the perfect fit. But Sonia’s team lacked the time to figure out how to expand her initial audience for increased sales.

The Plan

We worked with her marketing team to study previous content that had done well to find out what her viewers would be interested in. After, we fully optimized her channel and new videos using the latest Youtube SEO techniques, along with creating eye-catching thumbnails that would drive potential searchers to viewer conversions.

The Result

Three months into this strategy we had our first “Viral” video (any video that does 7x your regular video metrics) that brought over 35k subscribers, almost half a million views, and 10x return on average monetization compared to Sonia’s other video content. In the first 2 years of working Sonia, her channel had a 41% Growth (2.4M) in Views, 254.2% Increase (265k) in Watch Time Hours, 200.8% Increase (74k) in Subscribers, 304% Increase (6min) in Average Video View Time and a 1218% Increase ($35.6k) in Ad Revenue. From August 2022 to February 2023 Youtube comprised over $27k of trackable organic online sales.

Channel Growth (2.4M)
Increase (265k) in Watch Time Hours
Increase (74k) in Subscribers
Increase (6min) in Average Video View Time
Increase ($35.6k) in Ad Revenue

Two Years Later

We upped the production by integrating fully edited and produced pieces of weekly content for Sonia, along with shorts and utilizing the newest technologies of AI imagery to make even more visually powerful thumbnails.

The Results

In 2023 we ended with a total of 3.8 MILLION views (290% increase from 2022), 73,000 added subscribers (440% increase from 2022) and 212% Increase in Youtube Ad Revenue from 2022. We also beat out our best year (2021) in everything by 150% for views, 14% for subscribers, and 42% in Youtube ad revenue.

Million Views (290% increase from 2022)
added subscribers (440% increase from 2022)
Increase in Youtube Ad Revenue from 2022

Key Services





Years in Business
Projects Completed
Clients Served
Users Engaged (millions)
Sales Generated (millions)

Brendon Burchard highly recommended we work with Peaceful Media to develop a world-class, modern, beautifully branded website… they pulled off a miracle with We are thrilled.

Jeff WalkerFounder of Product Launch Formula

Peaceful Media has been the easiest company I have ever worked with over my many years. Their work is stellar.

James Van PraaghNY Times Bestselling Author

It’s very important to work with a team who is energetically aligned with your mission. That’s why I always refer my high-end clients to the good vibes of Peaceful Media. They are a one-stop shop for getting my message out to the world... the results have been amazing.

Sonia ChoquetteNY Times Bestselling Author

689% ROI -- absolutely outstanding results! Thank you for your care, passion and attention to detail that went into these campaigns. We are thrilled with the outcome!

Holly HorneCOO, The WakeUp Project

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